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I am seeking some advice/help on what I may be doing wrong, I have a Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro with a Skywatcher 200 DPS reflector scope and a Canon 550 camera.

This is set on a permanent pier and has been Polar aligned using a polar scope.  Following the problems I will describe , I set my Skywatcher Startravel 80 on the mount for visual confirmation of operation of my mount. I started the mount from the parked position as recognised by Skywatcher and undertook a 2 Star Alignment successfully with the handset.

I then reinstalled the 200DPS  using the handset I then selected Vega and Capela  to  confirm the telescope moved approximately to the correct position (Clouds present) although not visually confirmed.

I then used and EQMOD USB/Serial cable to connect the mount to my laptop and using ASCOM and Stellarium   to drive the scope. I double checked the location within Stellarium and the ASCOM details but the scope was then moved almost 180 degrees out of position.

I have also tried using Skywatcher APP Pro  with a direct cable connection and have similar effects I dont wish to explore this issue here as there are other problems with this software.


I would be extremely grateful if some one can identify what error I may be making as until I have overcome this hurdle remote operation of my scope will not be safe.  

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You can't use both.  You either use the handset to select targets or you use a planetarium application and EQMOD.  EQMOD will assume you are starting from the default home position unless you have defined a custom park position and park and start from that position every time.

The HEQ5 has no physical encoders so both the handset and EQMOD have no idea where the mount is pointing when  the mount is powered up.  Both presume the mount is in the default home position of weights down pointing North with the RA parallel to the NCP (unless you used EQMOD to set a custom park position as mentioned).  So after you have done the alignment with the handset the scope is pointing at whatever the last alignment target was, but when you then connect the scope to the computer and launch EQMOD it will assume the mount is in the default home starting position.  Therefore all subsequent slews will be way off target

If you are doing visual observing then I would suggest just using the handset to do everything.  If you are doing imaging then use EQMOD / ASCOM / PHD2 and any planetarium application and your chosen camera application. 

Edited by malc-c
added more text
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Thank you for taking the time to reply, even though we have no visible starts at present, I have unplugged my hand controller and plugged my EQMOD cable back in.

My park position is the Skywatcher home position of weights down pointing North with the RA parallel to the NCP. I have checked the telescope configuration in Stellarium and have changed the setting to use the Stellarium co-ordinate system.  On unparking my scope I selected  various targets and the scope appears to be pointing in the correct direction. I will not be able to confirm this untilI get a clear sky.

But I will update you, thank you again.



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You're welcome Malcolm (seems strange typing that, seems I'm talking to myself 🙄)

I'm sure it will work as expected.  Provided both EQMOD and Stellarium have the same location and time settings and you start with the the scope in a know position (ie the default home position) you should be fine.  

I have my HEQ5 / 200P permanently set up in an observatory, but to give clearance I use the custom park position offered by EQMOD.  So long as the scope is parked at the end of a session, be that the default home position or a custom park position and not moved between sessions then you shouldn't need to do any additional alignment at the start of any session.  Also with EQMOD, if you sync after centring each target this gives even more goto accuracy allowing you to be up and running even quicker.

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Hi Malcolm, 

I unexpectedly managed to get a couple of hours this evening moving the telescope and locating the Moon, Jupiter, Vega, Capella succesfully and syncing them (i hope). before the clouds took over again.

However my next problem to overcome is that my software Backyard EOS kept crashing, and in the end I resulted in using the rear camera display to view and position the stars. I have not had this problem before since ensuring my EOS utility was not running prior to starting the program.

Ah well another afternoon of scratching my head and running the telescope and camera uring the daytime to see if I can crack this one.

thank you again for your help . I have mine set up in an observatory and hopefully will be working towards remote operation eventually. but until then will be wearing plenty of layers LOL.

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1 hour ago, Malcolmbra said:

Good afternoon

latest Update USB cable to camera was to long and also an unstable connection.

equipment waiting for clear sky and some free time to check out my work this week .

thank you 



IMO - If it's more than 3m then ideally an active cable should be used - Glad to hear you've found the fault 

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