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NGC 2403 & 2903


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These two spiral galaxies were the last DSO's I was able to image last week with my new Zwo ASI294MC Pro camera.

Still trying to find the sweet spot for this camera so if you have any suggestions I'd be happy to here them?

Previously I ran 300sec subs using the IDAS LPS-P3 light pollution filter from my Bortle 5/6 back yard to get the Sunflower and Whirlpool galaxies.

I felt that I could achieve more subs using shorter times so swapped the IDAS for an Astronomik L-2 UV+IR filter instead.

I was able to see a difference straightaway - the stars were more obvious and my subs showed a bit more of the DSO without too much initial image stretching on the APT program.

I decided to acquire lights of 180secs duration - about 3hrs worth on each target. 20 calibration frames also used (Flats, Darks & Dark Flats).

I used my 'galaxy hunter' SW200P on HEQ5 mount guided by PHD2. Results stacked in DSS and processed solely in Photoshop CS2.

Any positive comments please?

NGC 2403:



NGC 2903:



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Addendum to Image NGC 2403 & 2903

Both images were made up of 180sec lights (approx. 60 of each) - Not 300 as written above!

Camera gain 120 and offset 30 (camera defaults). Cooled to -10 degrees.

NGC 2403 cropped 30%, NGC 2903 15%.

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