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Cleaning - filthy corrector?

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A visual once over of the Mak shows a few small specks on the primary (which I'm not too fussed about seeing as there's a much larger central obstruction), and quite a dirty corrector plate. Gut says this will need a clean but before I rush into anything, just wondered if anyone could share their opinions, tips to keep this from happening again? Thanks! 


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I'd clean that, certainly, because pollens and other active agents can degrade coatings. I'd point it slightly downwards, spray it with distilled water and isopropyl alcohol plus detergent (recipes are on the net) then dab it with cotton wool (one dab per bit of cotton wool) to get the bulk off. After that I'd spray it again, wipe it with cotton wool, again one wipe per ball, using curved strokes. The key principles are to avoid wetting the inside of the tube and to avoid scraping the corrector with gritty stuff picked up by the cotton wool. I guess Baader fluid would do instead of the water-alcohol-detergent brew. 


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Thanks guys, I'll get some supplies ordered. 

Normally I'll throw the dust cover straight back on when taking my kit back inside (scopes, EPs etc) - is this an ideal way to go about reducing this sort of build up? Or is this happening mainly over an observing session? I can't say I've noticed any dew build up on the meniscus during my sessions, but will sort something out per your advice. 

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