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Another James Webb with extras!

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Hi, folks,

I had another go at imaging James Webb, this time with my 10" RC.  10th February,  5 minute subs binned 2x2 in succession for two hours from 11.30 pm.  I'd hoped for a brighter image than with my 4" refractor, but maybe a combination of the central obstruction and a 72% bright Moon didn't help.  I'll have another look unbinned when the Moon is out of the way.  IF that ever happens again - what rotten weather we're having in the Northern UK.  More storms on the way!

Anyway, I haven't bothered with a GIF, but here are a few images.  Firstly a reduced version of the full frame.  Then a crop at full size.  James Webb is the curved trail near the middle.  You will see there is also a straight line of something else towards the lower left.  Something new perhaps?? So download the latest Asteroid data into Skymap, and there it is in the field of view - mag 17.6 Asteroid 10132 Lummelunda.  You can't win 'em all!  According to the data, 231 million KM away.  But where is 35973 1999 LU26?  It's catalogued as 345 million KM distant. But fainter at mag 18.9.  Probably just too faint to be seen.  Or maybe....




Trailsfullsize cropped.jpg


Edited by petevasey
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