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How do I shoot flat frames with a DSLR and ASiAir Plus.

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My first time using the AAP last night and everything went more or less to plan except when I tried to take flat frames.

I used the white cloth method with a dedicated light panel but every time I tried to take them the AAP said it couldn’t calibrate and to alter gain, etc.

I had several goes at altering the ISO and also the brightness of the light panel but failed miserably.

I’ve looked on YouTube but can’t find any videos about this specific scenario although there are plenty showing how to take them with dedicated astro camera and also plenty showing how to take them with a DSLR as a standalone camera.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.



Edited by BobInYorkshire
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Do you need to take them in this software? Why not simply do them manually with just the camera? Use the camera histogram to find exposure settings which put the histogram peak about a third of the way between left and right and shoot a set. As long as the files are shot in the same format as was used for the lights I can't see what difference it would make.

Software has an irritating habit of thinking it knows more about what you want to do than you do.


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44 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Do you need to take them in this software? Why not simply do them manually with just the camera? Use the camera histogram to find exposure settings which put the histogram peak about a third of the way between left and right and shoot a set. As long as the files are shot in the same format as was used for the lights I can't see what difference it would make.

Software has an irritating habit of thinking it knows more about what you want to do than you do.


That’s what I ended up doing but to do that I had to disconnect my camera from the AAP which meant I had to use the files on my camera micro sd card. As it was done that way they then have to be manually sorted when I transfer them to my computer whereas if they could be done on the AAP they would all be in their relative file folders, Lights, Bias, Darks, Flats and in the same file format.

I was hoping there was a way to take them all with the AAP.

I should add I’m new to this so still learning.

Edited by BobInYorkshire
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  • BobInYorkshire changed the title to How do I shoot flat frames with a DSLR and ASiAir Plus.

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