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CFF 8 inch first sub


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After a long long time, my imaging setup is complete, and now I have my first subs :). Took about 4 years to get here but last night I was really excited. I chose randomly M110. 

The image was taken with a CFF 8 inch triplet, f 6.5, 1300 mm FL. The mount is a Mesu 200 MK1. The camera is a Moravian G3 16200, at a pixel scale of 0.93 arcsec/pixel. For offaxis guiding I used a Lodestar X2 with a OptecSaggita OAG

The control/capture/guiding was all done in Prism v.10. The autoguiding RMS varied between 0.3 and 0.5 arc sec. I think the Mesu 200 will handle the scope well.

I was most interested to see if I got the distance from flatner to sensor ok. Stars seem round to the edge, at least to my eyes. 

It is just a single sub with some stretching.

All I need now is clear nights and time to learn PI



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