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Landscape AP over city lights?


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Hello there,

I recently got my hands on an old canon T1i + kit lens and decided to make some tests with landscape astrophotography, more for the sake of learning how to operate the camera than anything else.

I live on top of a small hill from where I can see a good part of the (small) city where I live, and at this time of the year the Milky Way shows up from the other side of it, rising at an angle of almost 90 degrees with respect to the horizon.

So here is the thing: I thought it would be really nice if I could get a picture which shows some structures and details of the Milky Way above the city, but I am not sure if the light pollution just makes it impossible. I tried anyway, so am adding the picture of my first try: a stacking of 10 frames, 13 seconds exposure each, at ISO 3200.

I would love to hear what people with more expertise on landscape AP have to say about this mission: could I achieve better results if I stack a lot of images, or maybe use different settings on the camera, or is it capturing the milky way over a city just a fool’s dream 😅



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