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NEQ6 didnt connect anymore


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Hi guys, im a owner of a NEQ6 mount that used to work very well paired with my AsiAir Pro, or even with my Asiair v1  

Last night i was setting up but my Asiair Says that the connection Failed. 

Tried different cables and the message was the same. 

Well i`ve came home and tried to connect the mount on the hand controller, seems ok, at least the controller works fine (i didnt tried to turn the RA or DEC, just powered the hc) 

Tried to connect with PC, in Mount option on EQASCOM doesnt shows up the mount. 

Anyone have any issue like that?! My mount doesnt connect to anything. 

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If you connect the handset and you don't get any error messages such as "failed both axis" or similar, and you can run through the setup and manually, set the slew rate to 9 and slew the scope then this would suggest that the motorboard in the mount is fine and the issue is with the AsiAir devices. 

Now I've not had any experience with these devices, so not best placed to advise, but reading the manual it seem that the device is power and USB hub with wi-fi connectivity.   Connectivity between the mount and the device suggests an EQDIR cable for mounts that do not have USB control such as the NEQ6.  You could therefore check that cable directly by plugging the EQDIR cable into a PC and directly into the mount.  However you would need to install the driver for the USB/RS232 chipset the EQDIR cable is based on.  Once the driver is installed the com port should show up in device manager and running EQMOD Toolbox on the PC to configure the port used will hopefully connect to the mount.  If after installing the driver the EQDIR cable is not detected then it may have been damaged in some way and a new EQDIR cable will resolve this issue.


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