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Just getting started with astrophotography. In want to learn how to set up my Skyris 618m with LRGB filter wheel

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Since you're using a mono camera and filters, I assume that you want to do deep-sky work (nebulas and galaxies).

You're asking a really huge question, which of course is fine and encouraged. But any answer you get on a forum like this is necessarily going to leave a LOT of information out.

The single most succinct answer I can give you, that will waste the least amount of your time, is simply "read this book": The Deep-Sky Imaging Primer, 2nd Edition, by Charles Bracken.

Other people will recommend Steve Richards' Making Every Photon Count, or one of Jerry Lodriguss's intro books. Fine books all.

I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm brushing you off, because I'm really, really not. But you will need a base of knowledge to understand things like why we shoot multiple short exposures and stack them, or how careful you have to be with polar aligning your mount, and by far the most efficient way to gain that knowledge is to read one of these excellent, approachable books.

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