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Accessory recommendations for a 9.25 advanced vx

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I'm buying some equipment that was bought as a birthday present in July for a person who ended up not wanting to deal with the mass or learning curve of the equipment.

What I'm getting is the following, as described by the seller.

Celestron 9.25 advanced vx and everything that Celestron includes with that kit.

Also, they had bought and are including:

"12mm 1.25 eyepiece, 3xBarlow, 25mm Plossl, lighted reticle finder, skyportal, 120 to 12v converter."

I know I'll need a 6.3 focal reducer, right? But what else would you recommend I buy to upgrade or better equip this base setup for overall viewing and astrophotography endeavors?


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1 hour ago, Venzen said:

I know I'll need a 6.3 focal reducer, right?

Only if you intend to do some serious deep space astrophotography that requires a reducer.  Given that neither the OTA nor the mount you have proposed might be ideal for this, you could hold off on the focal reducer and think about buying a separate deep-space imaging rig later instead.  By most accounts, starting deep-space imaging with a small refractor would be much easier.

You will need a dew shield - if you can't get one quickly, you can make one.

Other stuff can wait.  You could, for instance, get a 32mm eyepiece for a wider visual field, or swap out the straight-thru finder for a RACI (right angle correct image) finder + red dot finder pairing, which would make it easier to aim the OTA when acquiring alignment stars or re-acquiring an imaging target.

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Thanks, yeah, I think the idea will be viewing first, with some lunar and planetary imaging as the primary. Just need to know what accessories would make that goal most easily realized.

What about camera suggestions?

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