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metaguide, zwo asi120 mm and a dumb mount


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I am confused about setting up metaguide and the zwo120mm for guiding with my dumb mount.  So the mount has just the hacked handpad that can speed up/slow down in RA, and twitch up and down and stop in DEC.  The idea was to use the ST4 connection from the ZWO120 to drive it. 

So, I have ZWO drivers, directshow, ascom platform, zwo ascom driver installed.  Metaguide installed and getting video from the cam.  MG wants to 'connect to my mount'.  Obviously this isn't going to happen being a dumb mount.  Looking at the cam control options in MG, the zwo offers ST4 test pulses. 

So am I correct in thinking that 'connecting to my mount' can be ignored, and MG will send guide info to the ZWO cam and it will output ST4 stuff all by itself ?

Thanks for info on this




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