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Autoguiding with Lodestar2, FS2 and MaximDL


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I really don't know where to post this one as it covers cameras, telescopes, mounts and software.  If it should not be here, doubtless a mod will tell me where to go.

Background information: a bunch of telescopes are all on the same equatorial fork mount which is controlled by a Astro  Electronic FS2 device.  The FS2 is a LX200 emulator.

The main scope has Starlight Xpress kit plugged into it, specifically an AO unit, a filter wheel with OAG capability and a SX-814 camera. For reasons which are not immediately relevant a Lodestar2 camera doesn't work with the filter wheel.  Accordingly, it is attached to a subsidiary refractor. A standard SX-supplied cable connects the Lodestar to the FS22.

All this stuff, and more besides, is driven by MaximDL v6  under Windows 7. The FS2 is driven through a serial cable just nicely for pointing the mount in the right direction so it clearly works to a very large extent.

Despite extensive experimentation I have been quite unable to configure the system to use the Lodestar as an autoguider.  MaximDL controls it just fine in that perfectly good images can be taken if "Camera 2" is selected.  "Camera 1, of course, is the main SX-814; it also takes fully usable though unguided images. In practice they are limited to around 30 to 60 seconds each.  Both cameras and the filter wheel appear as USB devices. I have yet to persuade MaximDL to control the FW but that is a very minor problem given that the Starlight Xpress app works very well and is simple to use.

My guess is that subtle and arcane incantations are required before MaximDL will do The Right Thing.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to what they might be?




Edited by Xilman
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