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M102, or if you prefer, NGC 5866


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Messier 102 in Draco is also catalogued as NGC 5866, and the naming as a Messier object has always been controversial. Be that as it may, I first imaged it in 2003 under poor conditions, only obtaining a small ill defined image. I recently determined to return, and roamed the internet looking for examples. There are of course superb Hubble images, but many others only show the core and a hint of the dust lane. However I was particularly inspired by this image from Adam Block showing the extended cloud of stars. Dark nights were in short supply towards the end of this month (April), but a run of three, although only 3 hours of full darkness on each night, gave me the opportunity before twilight nights returned for the Summer. Despite the occasional passing cloud I managed to acquire luminance subs on 27th and 28th, and 29th gave me yet another clear night to capture colour. Of course I don't have the exceptional contrast of Adam's skies, and my telescope is a 1/3rd of the size. But I'm well pleased that I have managed to show much of the star clouds as well as the dust lane. Luminance 16 x 15 minutes, RGB each 4 x 15 minutes all binned 2x2. QSI 683 on RC10 with SX AO unit.  Full size image here.





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