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Processing concerns and tutorials

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I'm in the process of  doing lunar imaging.   I'm working with an older camera (Orion Planetary and Autoguiding (752x480, 0.36MP, with 6um pixels).   I use the software it came with  which is PHD Planetary (separate from PHD Guiding).  I have to use that to flip the SER files into AVI's which as we know can then be imported into Registax.   I realize this may be a limitation but hear me out... 

I'm getting mixed results and had an odd thought.  It would be very easy for me to blame the camera  and just go get a new one.   However, I think I can also hold my processing at fault as well.   

Before I blame the current camera, does anyone know if there are lunar data sets out there where the final picture is given and known and where the raw data or AVI file(s) are available?   I'm asking if there might be practice datasets out there to work with.   A case where we have a quality result.   We can get and work with the raw data to hone processing skills to mimic and produce a quality result.  

What I'm thinking is that I'd like to make sure my processing is the best it can be given the data wherein my limitation becomes my existing camera.   Right now, I feel as though I'm not processing fully or optimally and the origin of the data, good or bad, isn't an issue - that is, I can come up with a crappy picture from excellent data because of poor processing. 

As best I can put into words, some of this is because I find myself perplexed with the "wavelets" in Registax.    Wavelets seems way too subjective and I've yet to find a tutorial that actually explains what I'm really doing to the image data when futzing with them.    Seems many a YouTube tutorial has the words "that looks about right", which just drives me nuts. 

Advice welcome and I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere in the forum, I just haven’t found it yet. 

Thanks in advance,


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