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RGB Filters

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Hi All

Sorry for what may seem a couple of ridiculous questions, but I am stuck.

Having just purchased the Eyepiece offer from OVL, even though I haven't had chance to use my scope properly since purchase last month I am confused as to the full purpose of the RGB filters, are they meant to be used on one eyepiece or what :oops:

As for Collimation, this is something I really don't relish doing. The chance I did get to use it all seemed ok does it really need to be done? :oops:

Many thanks

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Coloured filters can help with bringing out subtle detail on planets. See here: http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,1294.0.html .

Collimation may sound a bit daunting but it really isn't that tricky. You can do it during the day so you don't have to waste valuable observing time :clouds2:. This video explains it pretty well: http://www.andysshotglass.com/Collimating.html .


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Observers don't really need to pay any attention to "RGB" filters - they are primarily useful to imagers who use black and white CCDs. Exposing the CCD through each filter in turn, an imager can then take the data from each and combine them in a processing program to make a colour image - clever, huh?

Of course, red filters, green filters, and blue filters are all useful to observers too as they can improve contrast on particular targets as per Tony's link, but when they are titled as RGB, then they are aimed at imagers.



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