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Dew or Collimation?

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Hi Guys,

I brought one of these really old scopes, mount and tripod (Wooden!), the classic Vixen Saturn P102L, 4inch f/15 refractor achromat (Yr 1983) a few months ago now, my question is this when I night observe with it, in particular looking at the planets (Is my thing) I can't actually desipher whether there is something wrong with the Collimation? Maybe too much Dew? Condensation? Cold air currents etc? Maybe because the tube is the old thinner type of metal? I attach my pencil pic below, sorry not quite progressed to DSLR, CCD imaging webcaming etc., do dah as yet! There seems to be kind of circular concentric lines around the planets, with kind of bright white milky rays eminating from it too? The Moon looks great through it though!

I brought one of these dew heaters and controller but in turn it seems to create warm currents and wave like images of the planet in and around the objective!?

Never collimated before, might make it worse, but not sure if this is the problem or again bad dew in the tube and objective lens?

Thanks guys, I await your thoughts with eager anticipation....



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