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one for Arthur

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I have a question for Arthur (Ambermile)

I have a Strarlight Express MX5C and i am considering upgrading it.

What kind of chip can i replace the existing one with? B&W chip that is.

The first guy to say one with salt and vinegar is for a whooping! :lol:

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Umm - of the top of my head it's the ICX405ALL-F I believe. Not expensive... cheaper than an ICX098BL I think.

Best check though - it may be the ICX249 in which case you would need the ICX429 (updated chip) which is a bit more on the cash front)


PS - next answer is yes. :lol:

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A *beep* to find as the links on the SX site are all to hell and gone. The MX5 link takes you to the SXV pages... the MX5C takes you to the MX7C. Whatever. This shows the ICX055AL being your chip. Which means the ICX405ALL-F as the latest updated ship. Cheap :lol: There is some setting up to do when changing chips though that relate to onboard voltages. They are a bit "stab-in-the-dark" though and resolve saturation issues because of the increased sensitivity of the bw chip.


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