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Help deciding my next eaa camera


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Hi everyone, I hope I'm posting this in the right place.

My current setup is an xlt 120 achromat F8.3 and a AVS DSO-1. I've had a ton of fun with this setup and I wanted to take it a step further.

I decided that my scope upgrade in some distant future will be a C8 SCT and AT72ED for wider views and an ultralight camping setup


I don't want to upgrade the scope just yet cause I want to get my money's worth from the achro for the time being, so I'm thinking of upgrading the camera. I've been eyeing the Atik Infinity and Lodestar X2C.


Although these cameras are quite different, I think I'm leaning toward the Lodestar X2C because my understanding is that I would need a setup closer to F2 in order to really get the EAA effect from the Atik. I don't think I'm planning to hyperstar at any point. I do want color as that's important for me and outreach.


My usage is that I love seeing in NR (95% of my fun) and was thinking in dabbling in "quasi" AP by using a barlow (or just no focal reducer) and taking mosaic captures and stitching together to get more resolution on an object.


So I guess my question is... Will I get a decent upgrade going from the DSO-1 to a Lodestar X2C? and should I look at any other cameras for my purpose. Also I don't plan on using the lodestar as an autoguider as I'm not too keen on AP so I hope I'm not wasting money on a lodestar which is an autoguider before being an EAA camera.


Thanks everyone! 



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