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M22 and NGC6642, southern globulars.


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Tom looked after the capture for this one using our TEC140/Avalon Linear/Atik 11000. This is my processing. We have two hours per channel colour and are going to get some L tonight to experiment with it. I generally don't do L for starfields but Tom prefers to have some, so this will be a chance to see what's best. We're satisfied that the warm reddish trend in the picture is genuine and created by dust-reddening towards the galactic centre. Tom found the same thing in his shorter FL Galactic Centre mega-mosaic.  I've put south to the top for aesthetic reasons only.

This was taken in short sessions before the moon came up each night.


Olly and Tom.

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1 hour ago, kendg said:

Looks pretty good. It will be interesting to see what L data does.

My hunch is that it risks increasing the star size and reducing the star colour in the cores. However, there are hints of dusty patches in the background which L might pull out. Experimentation is the big buzz in astrophotography!


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