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Avalon Linear, two minor notes.

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Just a couple of insights from this week.

1) When assessing by feel the elasticity in the belt drives of this mount (which can seem alarming) I realized that it feels far more elastic in a hot, closed daytime observatory than it does on a chilly night outside. Call that good news, but I hadn't realized it before.

2) I used to guide in AstroArt in Bin2 (as is normal in AstroArt) but I have been trying PHD2 in Bin1 and feel the results were better. WIth an Atik 16 guide cam at 400mm FLit has knocked out 13 hours of data without loss. I used the PHD Guiding Assistant to refine the parameters. Guide speed 0.5x sidereal and 1.5 second guide subs. Seeing was very good indeed.


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