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Another Astrodon3/Baader 7 experience.


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In our recent Jellyfish project (in the DS imaging section) we shot 7 nm Ha in the TEC140 and 3nm Ha in the Tak 106, 1.8 and 3.5 arcsecs per pixel respectively.

I often combine TEC and Tak data but normally this involves some careful blending because the TEC stars are much smaller and the resolution obviously much finer to the eye. You can't just drop in the TEC data on top or at full opacity because the distinction is too obvious. It can only be used partially and faded in gradually.

However, this time the 7nm TEC data sat on top of the 3nm Tak data as if they were more or less the same thing. The contrasts were higher in the 3 but the subjective impression was that they had been shot at comparable resolution when, in fact, they hadn't. Star sizes were very similar.


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