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So...Is there anyone out there still using a Meade LX80 Mount?


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I recently acquired one that had been extensively worked on by Meade. The original owner is a friend who kept right on Meade about the problems with the mount. however after all his problems the mount was not fun for him to use.  I have had it out twice in EQ mode and after aligning and going to a few more objects it seems to track well. (Andromeda centered id 6" RC with a 32 mm EP for 45 minutes without adjustment)  So any other MMWTF (Mount Meade Wants To Forget)  users out there?

Clear Skies,

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah I have recently come into possession of one and compared to my Celestron SE 8 mount I can get at least 30sec exposures but unfortunately as temps gets closer to freezing tracking just gets horrible. My thought was to take the factory grease out and replace with super lube but unable after many searches find a how to or video on doing this. Winter seems to be the best time here for observing but if I can't use it when its cold then its useless to me!!

So anyone can point me the right direction I would love to give it a good test with longer exposures!


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