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First report


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The moon is rising late at the moment and we had some clear nights up here in Fife. So, my son and I had two cracking nights observing the sky. We haven’t decided on a telescope yet, so we had to use our own eyes with the help of an old pair of binoculars (Nikon 8x30). This was the first time we were observing the sky, so please excuse if we sound too excited.

We started by pointing out the different constellations (we still have to learn them…) and were amazed by how the view improved when our eyes adapted to the dark. We were then looking for the Andromeda Galaxy and were surprised to be able to see it with the binoculars.

We then moved on to the Pleiades before hunting around Orion and focusing on the Orion Nebula. We are really fascinated by nebulae and started to gather information, which telescope (in our price range) might be the best to look at them.

Then we turned to Jupiter and were able to just make out the moons (counted only three thought…).

We really did not expect to see so much. Well, I guess you just to have to get out and try it.

In short, most enjoyable!

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Great report.  In my opinion, you are starting out in the hobby in the right manner - learning the constellations and exploring the sky with your eyes and a pair of bins first. I would suggest that you continue with what you a doing and don't be in a hurry to rush out and buy a telescope just yet.  The way you are going right now will really help you later in deciding just what kind of kit you want, and probably save you some money in the process.  Too many people, new to the hobby, rush out and buy a goto scope with all the bells and whistles, that they don't need, and never bother to really get to know the sky which, as it appears you are discovering, is one of the great joys of the hobby. 

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