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Connecting a Nikon D3300 to a SkyWatcher Mak127


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Hi all,

I recently acquired a shiny Nikon D3300 and wish to attach it to my SkyWatcher Mak127 scope for taking pictures of the moon, planets and... other space stuff :)

After a bit of research, it seems that the telescope doesn't need a t-adapter and I only need a t-ring to attach onto my DSLR and screw into the back.. great.

However.. I'm a bit confused as to what one a need to buy as I don't want to end up getting the wrong thing.

Is this the kind of thing I need?


I see FLO has a more expensive one.. is there much difference?


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I suspect you are waiting for a reply as everyone is thinking the same as I am.

That looks like what you need, it looks similar to the Sony one I have and you would expect it to work.

Just the one thing that people learn is to never quite trust descriptions.

Will say that for planets and using a Mak then a webcam is the better option.

DSLR's are used for DSO and long exposures, webcams are used for planets and getting a video.

I know you can set a DSLR to get a video and that may be the intention.

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