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Problem with SkEye App getting my night sky backwards!

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I am using SkEye in the handheld mode.

SkEye on my Samsung tablet seems to be 180 degrees out! For example it shows the moon on the screen when my back is facing the moon! Same thing for Orion!

I have entered my location (using GPS) and the co-ordinates seem to be correct.

I live in NZ so wondered if SkEye has a problem with the southern hemisphere.


PS The app seems to be working fine apart from this. EG The display moves as I move the tablet. The words are the right way round.


Handheld mode

Setting "indirect mode" seems to be off but hard to tell


Android 4.2.2

SkEye is the latest version --- I just downloaded it.

Location as shown by SkEye is in the -30s and 174 as it should be for NZ

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Quick search and only thing could be the magnetic sensor, can get confused and so could need a reset. Seems you wave it around in a figure 8. Expect that it confuses enough that it gives up and restarts and then hopefully then gets it right.

There is the problem that you could be on magnetic material that masks the "normal" earths field - met is over in Canada, I was driving North West the compass swore I was going South South West.

Other then that not much appears.

There is not something stupid like it gets it's location from GPS but somewhere you still have to tell it Southern Hemisphere.

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Problem resolved. The Time Zone was set wrongly on my tablet.

For the benifit of others

1) Make sure your date, time and time zone are correct before installing this app.

2) Also, the indirect mode is for the PUSHTO guide for telescopes, so make sure it is OFF when using in a hand held mode. It is accessed via the menu under settings.

3) Wave the tablet in a figure of 8 for magnetic field alignment. I'm not sure if this is necessary for hand-held mode. Why is it necessary at all if you use GPS?

PS Perhaps someone knowledgable will make a YouTube tutorial for SyEye, hand hald mode!

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