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Crater Deslandres & Surrounding Impacts

Davide Simonetti

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A close-up shot of some of the features of the rugged southern highland region of the moon. The largest feature is the very worn Crater Deslandres with the much smaller (and probably aptly named) Crater Hell within its western rim. To the south of Crater Deslandres is Crater Levell and Crater Walter to the east of it. Further east is Crater Aliacensis and above that is Crater Werner. Just north of Crater Walter is Crater Regiomontanus with Crater Purbach directly above it. To the south of Crater Levell is Crater Orontius with Crater Sasserides on its western rim. On the bottom left of the image is part of Crater Tycho.

Taken on 2nd October 2014 With a Celestron 127 and ZWO ASI120MC camera with x2 Barlow lens.


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