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Disheartened beginner...

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Hey there,

Just going to bed after attempting my first observing session with my new telescope and feel like I need to vent a little bit..

Just to give you some background about a year ago I bought a pair of 10x50 binoculars.   I use them at home in the west of Ireland where the skies are pretty good.  I've had many "Wow" moments using those binoculars: from to locating and seeing the blurry shape of andromeda; managing to see the orion nebula using averted vision; even seeing a cluster of stars in the constellation cancer and instantly realising that I was looking at the beehive cluster; or my personal favourite, the moment I first visualized the 4 galilean moons. 

For ages I have wanted to buy a telescope and after much deliberation I set my heart on a 130p skywatcher..  The thing is I in Dublin city now and only rarely get to go home to the west of Ireland. My apartment complex does have an accessible flat roof and I assumed I would be able to see something.  I have been up there a few times and despite the skyglow I have been able to make out magnitude 3 stars before. Well I bought the skywatcher and could see sweet [removed word] all!  I could barely make out mag 2 stars tonight so trying to align the thing was a pain!  My binoculars at home are a million times better than this thing!

It looks like im going to be restricted to the moon for any serious observing!  Anyone have a any tips for a new city centre astronomer?

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