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Using a Polar Scope

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Hi everyone, I've had a great evening playing with my new SW150p/EQ5 for the first time tonight. I had a quick look at the moon early on before it got dark and then during twilight managed to catch Saturn before it disappeared behind our garden hedge. It was my first time viewing Saturn and I was blown away. I then spent about 45mins looking for the Ring Nebula until I finally realised that the big, dull, out of focus star I kept coming across was actually the nebula...

Anyway on to the point of this post. I also had a quick go at polar aligning my scope. I've seen a youtube video which said a rough way to use the scope is to align the Big Dipper in the scope to the orientation of the Big Dipper in the sky and then centre Polaris in the small circle (if this is wrong please tell me now because that part sounds real easy). But the only way I could find to rotate the diagram in the scope was to unwind it from its mount until the Big Dipper was aligned. Is that how its supposed to be used because it seems a bit naff to me?

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