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Reducing Saturation


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Hi guys,

I've finally got my LX200GPS and Atik 314L setup going pretty much okay, the tracking needs a bit of tweaking but its not too bad. Anyway I've started doing test shots on clusters to help me get the feel of the setup and how to process star fields.

I attempted M15 last night, (30 second subs, unbinned) and for a newb I'm quite happy with the result clearly the core is saturated in the post process, and it looks saturated in Maxim DL 6 as well on the non stacked pictures unless I stretch it out but then of course its very faint.

So in normal photograhpy world, you'd reduce the exposure time to reduce the saturation, but I have a sneaking suspicion I should be extending exposure time allowing a greater stretch, does that sound about right?




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