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ASI120mm Allsky test!


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Not really sure where to put this and since there is bound to be a better way of doing it than what I was doing I am hoping to get a few pointers before trying it out on the meteor showers.

This is basically a single 7.80 second frame, it's a bit noisy and getting focus was really tricky but I think it's rather promising. It's not so much a video as a series of single frames so the only way I could think to get a single frame was in PIPP and that worked a treat.

I don't really have a good spot in the yard to put this so there are either going to be things like lights, reflections, trees or a house in the way and the best spot is out of reach of any power cables.

From what I can gather is the camera takes the exposure then it has to process it so it gives you a 7-10 second wait before taking the next frame. That looks like it would take half your imaging time away for meteors but unless anyone has a better idea I guess that is how it has to be.

The gain was for some reason at 51 so I gather reducing that and making the exposure longer should deal with the noise a bit better.

Also does anyone have any idea on how to mount it on a Polarie?

I could maybe tape it on to the ball head if all else fails.

I think it'll make a great meteor camera but I know for Perseids at least the Moon will be in the way.


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