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Think Tank Photo Airport Security V2.0 Rolling Camera Bag Review

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When I began putting together my airline portable telescope and related accessories I found myself initially more concerned with finding the right optical tube assembly for my observing needs as well as asking many questions about how I would successfully mount the scope without blowing through my checked baggage allowance without considering how I would carry the OTA and other optical components in the cabin with me.  After taking delivery of the APM TMB 105 Refractor, it suddenly became priority number one.  After much research I selected the Think Tank Photo Airport Security V2.0 rolling camera bag.  Over 2 years of use it has proved to a great choice to transport my airline portable telescope and accessories and with a high quality construction and plenty of thoughtful touches, I now use it home and away to carry my scope.

You can read the full review here http://alpha-lyrae.co.uk/2014/06/20/think-tank-photo-airport-security-v2-rolling-camera-bag-review/


Clear skies,

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