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Just got my Neximage... problem

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Hello all, I would appreciate any help anyone can give!  I've been trying to get this to work for about 3 hours now...

I ordered a used Neximage off ebay and it came today.  I followed these instructions to install drivers: http://www.celestron.com/c3/support3/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=2364

Drivers are installed, cam is recognized as the Philips SPC900.

When I go to preview in AMCap (or any cam program) however, the image is just a solid blue screen. I can select my other webcam and it works fine, but the Neximage is always solid blue.

If i go to settings and change fps for the Neximage, the image will change to black, a different shade of blue, or to white with grey stripes.  I have covered the cam and put bright light on it, with no changes at all in the image.

I am starting to think I have a dud?  Any thoughts? Thanks!

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Sounds like you got a bad one. I just bought one off of ebay as well, the first one was bad, guy sent me out another that works fine. With the AMCap you should be seeing changes using the default settings.

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