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Do black holes release energy internally at the point where it almost decomposes?

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I know that black holes release energy. But do they release energy internally when black holes are decomposed or just before decomposing?

I have a theory about black holes and it depends on the given answer to this question. I will post my theory depending on the answer. So please do answer. :huh:

What about the mini blackholes in Particle accelerators do they release any energy when they decompose?

I am talking about a small explosion or emission of high KE particle. The point I am talking is when black almost dies or evaporates. Got it?

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I was under the impression that all black holes radiate (Hawking Radiation) and. as far as I am aware, this is what cause their eventually demise. As I understand it the black hole radiates and so gets smaller, then the smaller it gets the greater the radiation becomes. If this is the case then there would appear to not be any nessecity for any other type of radiation.

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