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Star Pointers and Eyepieces info for a newbie

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I got my first telescope (A Celestron AstroMaster 130) this Christmas and have begun to navigate my way around it and had some quite successful evenings so far. I have 2 questions that I am hoping someone can help me with. 

Firstly - The star pointer - It's one with 2 red dots that need to be matched up.  I've calibrated this already and finding larger, bright objects such as Jupiter and obviously the moon, are no problem at all. When looking to focus on smaller objects, such as the stars in orions sword, it feels like it is near impossible because it's really difficult to tell if the 2 dots are perfectly aligned. Am I missing something despite the calibration or are there better star pointers out there that can make this slightly easier? 

Secondly - eye pieces. I can find Jupiter no problem and my eye pieces show me the planet and the moons around it, what can I do to get to see more detail of Jupiter and other planets/objects?

At the moment I have the following eye peices : Celestron 10 mm, celestron 20mm, K 12 mm, k 20mm,  K 6 mm, SR44mm a Moon filter and a Barlow Lens 3x. Are there any that you would recommend adding?

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions given! 

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Hello and welcome to SGL

I have the same scope, only bought it in January and since purchased a few extras like the MD, 8mm BST EP and 2x Barlows.

The RDF I found impossible to use. Take a look at the post I created here http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/207382-rdf-replacement/ I ended up buying the Rigel which is a dream on the scope. Not very expensive and it is not the strongest plastic so if you go down that route just store it away when not in use.

Seeing detail in Jupiter is quite hard with a good sky that I have found. The best visual I can get it you see the two bands what looks like they are flickering. I've seen it mentioned here a lot that you need to look at it for quite some time as they eye finds it hard to see the detail with it being so bright.

Last night I used my mod xBox webcam with a ND filter and managed to capture some detail. Still need to process the image better but in my gallery there is a rather pink looking Jupiter. Cameras can capture more detail compared to the eye.

You have a good range of EP, being new myself I don;t know what they are like quality wise but my 8mm BST did cost me £50 which was recommended. When you get into more magnification any bad wuality EP will get a lot worse. The stock 10mm I found awful and it hasn't seen any light since I got the 8mm. I do like the 20mm which is even good and still not wide enough for Pleiades.

Keep on trying, I also found that a set of 10x50 bins complement the scope very well. Ideal to help you find objects and nice for something quick to grab when you don't want to get the scope out.

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Thanks! That's a massive help and I will look into the Rigel. I have come to hate the RDF with a passion after last nights incredibly frustrating evening! 

I have my boyfriend to thank for the range of EP's - he got the telescope and all the rest of the kit as my Christmas present, I'm still learning what each does and what objects each are best for.

 On a very clear night I have been able to see the bands of Jupiter when I look just to the side of it rather than directly at it - and even got some good pics just with my Iphone. 

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You are doing well then. Yes Jupiter seems to come more alive with either looking at it for a long time or just to the side of it.

I took the RDF of totally when I got the Rigel, there is a pic in the post on how I'd attached it and that's not in a permanent way in case I want to move it.

The 130EQ does have a lot of limits, but I think it still can do quite a bit.

As to all the EP, the 20mm stock is good as far as I'm concerned. If you start with that when looking at something then you can just pop in at a time and compare what you think. If the others are good quality then the 10mm will soon get hidden away. I usually start with the 20mm, then my 8mm and if I really want to try and push it up stick in the Barlows too.

What part of the country are you in? Have you looked into a local society? It's nice to just go along and listen to a talk and chat with like minded people. I've learnt a thing or two since going on objects that I'd never have thought about. Certainly seen a lot of satellites pass over head and the ISS a couple of times.

Stellarium is also a good free piece of software. I eventually managed to find M81 last night (more luck that judgement) and used Stellarium while outside to point me to M82, which even though they are right next to each other were very washed out. May have been due to the moon.

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Hi, I took your advice and got the rigel and also the 8mm lens - very excited for them both to arrive and try them out!  I'll have a look at how you did it and hopefully get it sorted out over the weekend. 

I am in Cheshire and found a couple of local societies, If you are on twitter @virtualastro is a really good account to follow, if you don't already. He points out ISS passes, and other things of note in the night sky and is pretty good for information . 

Thanks for the advice, it's been really helpful! 

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You will not be disappointed with the Rigel for lining up the scope, takes a little getting used to but works very well, even my 10 year old daughter can look through it and tell me where to move the scope and she gets it spot on.

I am surprised about the EP purchase so quick. However you may be surprised by it when you get it. As soon as I opened it I couldn't believe the size and weight of it compared to the stock 20mm and 10mm. It makes them feel and look like kids toys.

As I said I'm new to all this, trying to pass on what I have learnt and hopefully being a help.

It will be interesting to hear how you get on and what you think of the new EP in comparison to your others.

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