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Finder Scope for a Celestron Astromaster 114

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Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a new finder scope for this telescope I am finding the one it came with is quite useless. I would like keep a budget of around $50-$100 dollars if possible. I am also unsure if all finder scopes are compatible with different makes of scopes and if not will I have buy additional mounting gear for it.

Thank You All for the input and patience for NEWBIES like me!

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If the 114 is the same as my 130EQ of a RDF with two LEDs you have to line up, then yes they are awful.

I created a post a few weeks ago http://stargazerslou...df-replacement/ where I ended up opting for the Rigel based on weight. These are not magnified finder scopes meaning that in some ways they are easier but reply on being able to see the area with the naked eye for where to point the scope.

At the bottom of the above link you will see how I mounted mine but I didn't want it as a permanent fixing.

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