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I am buying a gift for a friend who is pretty into astronomy and already has a couple of telescopes, and would really like a pair of binoculars. They need to be pretty portable and £200 max.

From my research so far these seem pretty highly reccommended http://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/review/binoculars/helios-fieldmaster and I'd appreciate any opinions. Would spending more money get me a better pair?

I don't know a great deal about astronomy, which uis why I thought I'd look here! So please go easy on me! :)

Thanks in advance!

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Welcome to SGL.

I'm not sure how many replies you will get here, yes you will get some but the Binoculars section would get you a lot more from the people who only use them.

Back to your question, yes more money often buys better quality but there are often some rogues.

I recently bought the Olympus DPSI 10x50 at this price range which were highly recommended in the bino section.

You will need the bigger optics as possible to let the light in so 50 is quite ideal, the magnification is really how much you want to hand hold and tripod mount. The 10x50 I have is usable hand held and I bought a cheap tripod mount to use them on a tripod which my kids love to use that way too. The Olympus is also good for daytime use meaning they can be used for all uses.

I can't comment on your item, but I think if I was you I would create a post in the bino section asking for which of the two are better and is there anything better for your price range.

Good Luck!

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10x50 binoculars are ideal for hand-held astro use.  I have these:


They are excellent.  Lovely optics and very well made.  Rubber coated, waterproof (astro kit often ends up getting very wet) and nitrigen filled (to prevent internal fogging).

An alternative is these, which have a very good reputation


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