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Source for pitch

dark star

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Does anyone know a good source for pitch for making a pitch lap? The only one I know is Galvoptics, but they are not cheap. 'Best pitch' is £12.10 for 450g and 'special pitch' is £16.74 for 450g. I bought some best pitch from them. It was fine, but rather hard. I ended up mixing in 3 teaspoons of linseed oil to make it softer. If I buy from them again I will get 'special pitch' just to see what the difference is. Next time I will buy rather a lot as I have got the mirror making bug! I have nearly finished a 6 inch mirror and have just started grinding a 14 inch, but I think I may well do another one after that.  


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I did contact Vacuum Coatings not so long ago, and they still have no pitch. I bought my 6 inch mirror and grinding grit from them, they are very helpful. Pity they have no pitch as they are not far from where I live.

Good look with the Bitumen, if it works it will certainly be a lot cheaper!


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I am probably going to buy a cube beam splitter and biconvex lens from Galvoptics, as I am in the process of trying to construct a bath interferometer for testing mirrors, so I will probably get the pitch from them as well. I would be surprised if buying from America would be cheaper for pitch, although I should work out how much it would cost, just out of interest. I need to ring Galvoptics to find out the price of the beam splitter and lens, as I could not find a price on their website.

I will post about the bath interferometer when (if!) I get it working.


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