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Guide Webcam Choice

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I am looking for a little advice is you guys can help. I am new to proper observing with a guided scope but am also very interested in photography. I am hoping to take some shots of DSOs including some nebula and clusters but need to consider some sort of autoguider and now this leads on to a question.

I would like a little advice on what Webcam/guidescope I should consider buying so that I do not have to buy twice.

Doing a lot of searching on this forum and others everyone seems to be advising QHY5L-II (mono) but the choice of guidescope  is a little unsure.

There have been suggestions to get a separate guidescope like an ED80 and also to mod the finderscope (C mount adapter) to attach the webcam.

Due to the weight of my scope and the mount, before adding the camera/guidescope, I am very close to maximum weight of the mount as the counter weights are almost as far down the counterweight rod. This would suggest to me that if I add any more weight to the scope with a guidescope, I may have to upgrade the mount... Something I wish to avoid at the moment

With this in mind, would it be worth modding the finderscope in the first instance as this will allow me the flexibility to upgrade the mount and guiderscope in the future when the bank balance allows?

My setup consists of the following

Mount: Skywatcher NEQ-5 Pro SynScan GoTo.
Scope: Skywatcher 200p.
Camera: Canon 60d (unmodded).
Camera lenes: Canon 400mm f5.6L, Canon 200mm f/2.8L II.

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