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parallel universes part 2

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Hi all,

A while ago I posted a thread about parallel universes and mirror image universes for which I watched a documentary on and had no belief inn what so ever.......(the mirror universe that is)

However, with the theory that a particle or atom can be in more than one place at once, it has got me thinking about animal and more so human activity ( I use the word "animal" lightly due to us all being animals).

The theory that an atom or particle of the same atom or particle can be in more than one place at once is leading me to feel ........what if the particles or atoms on another plane are connected with the other practicals within you and have consequences that affect your being here on Earth.....are they connected? Could they be connected?

If the other you in a different place is completely not the you of here, then maybe occasionally when you do bad or good things it's the other you atoms/particles corresponding with yours here on Earth.

Just a thought.


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