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IC405 - the Flaming Star Nebula


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Few weeks ago I made a change on my mount, swapping the MN with my Equinox, to try some wide field pictures. I didn't used the Equinox from a while so I was keen to find a sky object fitting in the bigger  FOV.

I found one perfect for this - the Flaming Star Nebula - IC405.


9x1200 sec

9x900 sec

filter Ha Baader 7nm


Equinox 80mm with Atik314L+

MaximDL used for calibration with dark and bias

image processing with StarTools with a bit of Photoshop to the end


I had some flexure especially when the nebula is going up in the sky and I found the cause - the filter wheel is not fitting well with the Equinox focuser. I need to do some adjustments soon. 

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