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Help with Sammy Scb 2000 ccd cam

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Hey guys.

Ok so I've got an f10 2000mm SCTand a Samsung SCB 2000 and hooked them together using a 1.25 inch nose-piece adapter

everything is fine the camera connects to the scope and works fine.

The problem is, the Sammy acts like a 6 mm making the FOV tiny and the optics

really slow.

i read somewhere i needed a focal reducer to get a better FOV, so i dunno why i did it but i got a 0.5x reducer from Ebay to see if that would help it does reduce the image a bit but its definitely not enough. the FOV is still tiny.

Can anyone give me some advice on the next step? What i would like to do is get the fastest widest FOV i can for this scope with the Sammy.

would i need a different reducer?

or maybe another reducer and a spacer?

Also does anyone know how to get rid of hot pixels or what to do with them?

Sorry I'm new to all this.

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Quite a few people use the Samsung cams ... have a wander down to the video astronomy board and introduce yourself down there :) ....


I did tests with the SCB-2000 and 4000 on an 8" SCT with various reducers but I think the post didn't survive a previous forum software migration...

I will try an dig out the pics over the weekend...


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