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Good planetarium shows?


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I'm wondering if you could recommend me a good planetarium show. I've heard the one at Royal Observatory in London is supposed to be good. But surely there must be lots of these around the world. Any recommendations? I'd also like to hear what makes them special in relation to others, like if there are any special features or technologies which are worth the visit.


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I recently visited the Tycho Brahe Planetarium in Copenhagen. 3 films projected onto an IMAX planetarium screen in 3-D. Duration is about 1 hour. Language is Danish, but there is an English translation track supplied via headphones that plug into the armrest of the seat. Well worth a visit if you find yourself in Copenhagen.

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I had a nice one in Wellington New Zealand, take the cable car to the top where if think the observatory is.

Woman that presented it looked entirely fed up, I suspect she was better qualified then required for running a "light show" and answering the assortment of what was probably the same stupid qustions again and again and again. Made you realise that there is another side to it all.

Still it was good and she knew her stuff.

If you ever visit have some good questions to ask her.

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