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PhD Guiding/QH5 - pulse guiding error & no on-camera option..... Please help

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relatively new here.... Although i've been at this for a while

my autoguiding set up is a qhy5 camera with a heq5 mount. I used to have no problem connecting everything up through ascom 6 sp1

Qhy5 via usb

mount connected via serial through the handbox

I successfully have guided for quite a while and had no issues until the other night.... I started to get an error when connecting to the mount in phd

it says

the ascom driver does not support the needed pulse guiding method

I haven't changed the drivers (mount etc), but i did upgrade phd to version 1.14. I attempted to back track to older versions of phd but i get various error messages about pulse guiding

i know i can connect to the heq5 via the serial cable because i have another program which allows me to manual move the mount via the serial connection... This is using the ascom platform

So, i figure i switch to using the ST4 port... Simple right.... WRONG

When i attempt to connect to the mount and want to choose the 'on-camera' option it's not there.... I have various simulators, a POTH hub etc etc but no on camera

so right now i'm screwed.... I have absolutely no idea what the frak to do, and it's absolutely beautiful outside right now... The first decent period of clear skies that we had in the UK for months

does anyone have any idea what to do???

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