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New Year's day Fireball

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Anyone else catch the fireball in the south at 20:42 tonight.

I caught it heading east, from about 10 degrees east of Algenib in Pegasus, and it glowed bright orange for about another 30 degrees of sky. It's track was along a line which would have gone thro Scheat and Algenib, so doesn't really fit what I was expecting for a quadrantid. Don't think it was a plane going down...

Expect loads of you will catch it, first partly clear night for ages here.

Afraid I didn't get a pic, scope was pointing at NGC891. Anyone catch it on a sensor?

Clear skies,


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Yes, except I saw it at 20.20 overhead here in east Berkshire. I looked at it through my binoculars and it seemed to be a bright orange central object with a broad paler orange tail behind it. Definitely not an aircraft and I thought it was too slow to be a meteor or fireball - I'm pretty sure it was a satellite or large piece of space debris burining up in the upper atmosphere but I can't find any forecasts of such an event posted anywhere. I alreadt stated another thread on this in the Observing section, by the way.


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