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Lunar/Planetary Imaging Scope

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Hello everyone!

This is my first post on this site, so hopefully I'm doing things right!

Im 16 years old and currently own a Sky Watcher Evostar 80ED on an EQ3-2 Mount, with an RA motor drive. I used a Nikon D3000 for imaging.

This scope works great for widefield shots of the Moon and deep sky objects, but I am interested in planetary and Lunar work. Is there any scope anyone can recommend for under £500 that would fit on an EQ3-2 mount, that is good for lunar and planetary work? Also I am looking to get a webcam/high frame rate camera for around £100! Is there any good models people can recommend?




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Really for planetary and lunar most resort to a webcam, the scope you have will be good for photography whether lunar, planetary or DSO.

The mount may be the weakest part, the EQ3-2 isn't overly solid and the ED80 has a reasonable focal length and weight.

Wouldn't change the scope for another the ED 80 is a good option, the moon is bright so oddly a barlow (5x) with a webcam may be necessary for planets, for DSO's people add a focal reducer, for planets they seem to add a barlow.

You have come from the reverse route that many do. Most start on Lunar+Planetary with a Mak/SCT then go to DSO's with an ED.

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Thanks Ronin!

I'm definitely going to get a webcam, and a better Barlow! The stock barlows are so useless!

This is my 3rd scope already! I've previously had a 5" Newtonian, a 4" Maksutov, and now I'm onto the 3" Refractor, which definitely produces the best image quality, despite less aperture!

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