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Help With Processing M42

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This is kinda what I was thinking, a small pixel movement on the guide scope would lead to a large pixel movement on the imaging scope. But as you say, seeing is on my side (probably the only time!) so I might get away with keeping the guiding under 0.25 of a pixel.

If I was struggling to maintain guiding error to within 0.25 of a pixel I guess I could add a 2x barlow which would double the guiding range to 0.50 pixels but I'd lose half my FOV. Would that make sense?

It would, but it would impinge on your ability to find a star because you'd be multiplying your guider's F ratio by four. I doubt that you'd find many. It would depend partly on how often your mount needed a guide

command. My EQ sixes thrive on short intervals of less than a second. The Tak likes around 2 seconds and the Mesu we run at 4.5. I doubt it would be possible to quadruple your F ratio successfully.


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