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Jupiter with the C6SE


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For those under represented smaller scopes ....

This is a first shot at Jupiter (2am 14/10/2012) using the web cam (using Sharpcap) this is at 640 x 480 (2.8 micron pixels) using the C6SE at 3000mm focal lenth (x2 Revelation Barlow) processed and stacked in Registax with a bit of gamma correction and first order wavelets tweeking.

Scope was fogging up pretty bad at the end of this shot, so missed an opportunity for a higher resolution shot.

You can just make out the GRS (with a bit of imagination).

Lots of work to be done to improve the image I can double the resolution on the cam and try the x 5 barlow.

Jupiter webcam 20121014 wavelets 02

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