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Stellarium: Oculars & CCD plugin....advice please

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Hi all,

i've been using Stellarium (currently i have ver. 11.2) to help plan my nights out with the 'scope, and what a wonderful tool it is, but from a bit of poking about i finds there's so much more that's just waiting to be uncovered by me. One such example is the 'Occulars' plugin.

Now, whilst i've managed to understand how to add my telescope, binocs and EP.s (sort of anyway!) i'm not sure what to put into the 'aFOV' and 'Field Stop' entries for the Eyepieces, assuming that aFOV is the equivalent of the EPs FOV (hope i'm right thinking that! dunce.gif) then would this be about 50deg for my Revelation Astro EP set?? As for 'Field Stop' i've no idea what this is for (forgive me, i'm new to this!) - anyone help me with that, or is it not really needed?

One other thing I've wanted to do is add my 35mm SLR to the plugin for use as a guide when doing Wide Field AP on the piggy-back mount...is this at all possible, and if so, how? From what I understand, Stellarium via the 'Sensors' tab of the plugin expects the camera to be mounted to the telescope via a t-mount adaptor on the focus ring and as such just asks the chip size (i would assume 35mm x 24mm), but as i'm not doing prime focus this doesn't help me....

Would i add my camera lenses as 'telescopes' and the SLR as an EP?? What figures would i use? Anybody able to point me in the right direction?

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FOV is calculated by dividing the focal telescope lenght by the eyepice focal lenghth..i.e....800mm scope--10mm eyepiece =80x magnification.

Find the maufacturers info on the apparent eyepiece FOV

devide that figure by the magnification

that figure is the FOV

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thanks Pallas15, much appreciated. I've been using that formula for my FOV calculations anyway, i just expected the aFOV in Stellarium to differ from the true FOV.

Can anybody else help with trying to add my Canon lenses as 'telescopes'? I'd guess the Focal Length is whatever the lens can be adjusted to (in this case 35 thru 80mm) so i'd have to make multiple 'telescopes' for each focal length. What about the Diameter and F/ratio settings? would i use the Aperture for the lens as the F/ratio...and then there's the diameter, where on earth do i find or even calculate this info?!

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