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Appropriate Field flattener.....

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I've been advised that for imaging with my Canon 10D and my WO66 Petzval I'm going to need a field flattener.

Could anyone suggest what the best options would be?

Maybe if someone could tell me the cheapest that will do a passable job, and a more expensive but more appropriate option?

Also, just out of curiosity, what happens if you image without said flattener?

Many thanks as ever guys :)

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The William Optics Field Flattener II (FFII) was designed for the Zenithstar 66's but they've been discontinued for quite some time but they do pop up from time to time secondhand.

FWIW, the Petzval should have a flat field already. They have an extra element (or 2) inside the tube for that reason. The downside to your particular version of the 66 is that it doesn't have same level of colour correction as the 66SD so you may find that stars have fringes of colour to them.


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Cheers boys, I do believe to may have just saved me a few quid :) although I will have to do something about those fringes eventually.

But otherwise, the clouds have cleared and I'm all ready to test this baby out. Been cutting my teeth on a bit of WL solar this morning, and thanks to you two I am now looking forward to tonight just a little bit more!

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