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Big Switch Off

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So I was out last night and I read in the paper that they are starting to implement the big switch off in my town after midnight. They have done some areas of the town and all will be done in the next few weeks.

12 come by and Im sitting there on my recliner just eyeballing the sky expecting the veil to drop and nothing.. seems the lights in my street are still on at present.

So i pick up my 10x50s and start looking for M92 which I had seen 3 or 4 times already that night and found I couldnt see my guidestars. Where they were all of a sudden were hundreds of new stars I couldnt see before. I took the bins away from my eyes and sure enough the LP veil was still there, again through the bins all the new stars. Definitely in the correct place...

I conculded therefore that even though my part of town was not turned off and the houses and trees I could see were all still bathed in orange, the small percentage of lights that actually were off in my town had made a massive difference to what I was able to see in the sky.

I really can't wait till they all go off :clouds2: Few more weeks... for sure the winter will be amazing!

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Make sure to write to the town council in support of the initiative and get others to do so top. Get in touch with local astro groups and encourage them to do it. Most people only write to complain, so if the councilors are seeing a negative response then the scheme may stop. That would be a pity, by the sound of things.

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